Rejestracja telefoniczna: +48 58 354 37 71 , +48 539 913 039
HANDPROJECT Clinic invites you to use our professional services in the treatment of hand,
wrist, and elbow illnesses, nerves and sports traumas.


HANDPROJECT CLINIC is a modern programme of treatment of hand, wrist, elbow and nerves, as well as management of patients with sports traumas, strains, fractures and degenerative diseases.

HANDPROJECT CLINIC applies the highest standards of diagnostic evaluation and treatment of the upper and lower extremity. It is a place where patients are offered specialist and professional medical care. HANDPROJECT CLINIC was established by a qualified specialist, who gained his experience, and now confirms it in renown medical centres in Poland and abroad. The medical equipment that we have at our disposal in the CLINIC allows for immediate and effective diagnostic evaluation and treatment.

HANDPROJECT CLINIC offers microsurgical procedures, arthroscopies, joint alloplastic procedures, treatment of fractures, as well as reconstructions of tendons and ligaments. Most innovative surgical techniques taken from Western Europe and non-invasive types of surgeries such as XIAPEX Collagenase injections in the treatment of Dupuytren’s contracture, stem cell therapy, growth factor therapy, or applications of the highest-quality collagen, replace the need for surgery (for more information see “Innovative procedures”).

HANDPROJECT CLINIC cooperates with numerous specialists in hand rehabilitation, neurophysiologists, radiologists, rheumatologists, shoulder surgeons, knee surgeons, ankle surgeons and anaesthesiologists, who make sure our patients are provided with the best possible medical care.

HANDPROJECT CINIC cooperates with leading legal companies that offer medical-legal services for those applying for damages for accidents at work or due to other private and medical claims.


A world-class specialist of hand surgery and reconstructive surgery, orthopaedics and traumatology, traumatic-orthopaedic surgery and sports medicine.


Hand and reconstructive surgery, orthopaedics and trauma surgery, sports medicine.


Consulting room and One-Day surgery Clinic.

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