Main consultant in HANDPROJECT Clinic is:
A world-class specialist of hand surgery and reconstructive surgery, orthopaedics, locomotor system traumatology, traumatic-orthopaedic surgery and sports medicine. He has been fascinated by reconstructive and hand surgery for many years.
He specializes in complex surgeries of the hand and reconstructive surgery, surgeries of peripheral nerves, elbow surgery and sports traumas.
- He graduated from the Lublin Medical University with a very good final grade.
- He received his doctorate PhD in medicine at the Medical University of Gdańsk (read more)
- Hand and reconstruction surgeon
- Specialist in orthopaedics and traumatology of the locomotor system and sports medicine
- Traumatic-orthopaedic surgeon
Member of:
- Chairman of Revisions Committee in Polish Hand Surgery Association,
- Member of FESSH – Federation of European Society for Surgery of the Hand
- Member of EWAS – European Wrist Arthroscopy Surgery,
- Member of Polish Microsurgical Association
- Member of Polish Orthopaedic and Traumatology Association
He gained his professional experience in prestigious medical centres in Poland and abroad.
He has been trained by world authorities in hand and reconstruction surgery.
International practice in the field in hand and reconstructive surgery:
- University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (read more)
- Nuffield Health Private Hospitals, UK (read more)
- Hampshire, The Wessex Hospital
- Spire Healthcare, UK Private Hospital (read more)
- Royal South Hants Hospital (read more)
- Lymington New Forest Hospital
Find it: Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand: MROZIK Dawid MD PhD FESSH: POLAND
National practice in the field in ortopaedic and traumatology with sports medicine:
- Hand Surgery Department, Ortopedic and Trauma Department, Poznań, POLAND
- Neurosurgery Department, University Clinical Center, Gdańsk ,POLAND
- Department of General and Transplanology Surgery, University Clinical Center, Gdańsk, POLAND
- Department of Ortopedy and Traumatology, Kościerzyna, POLAND
- Department of Ortopedic and Traumatology, Lębork, POLAND
- Toracosurgery Department, University Clinical Center, Gdańsk, POLAND
- Department of Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy, University Clinical Center, Gdańsk, POLAND
- Military Hospital, Lublin, POLAND
International Certificates:
- Certificate Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Budapeszt, WĘGRY 2017
- The surgical treatment of the rheumatoid upper limb, Florencja, WŁOCHY 2017
- Certificate Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Buenos Aires, ARGENTYNA 2016
- Certificate Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Santander, HISZPANIA 2016
- What is cool in wrist surgery. A non-comprehensive course of how I do it, Santander, HISZPANIA 2016
- Course: The surgical treatment of the Rheumatoid Upper Limb, Florence, ITALY 2017
- Certificate International Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Buenos Aires, ARGENTYNA 2016
- Certificate Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Santander, FRANCE 2016
- X Wrist Surgery Course, Stuttgart, NIEMCY 2016
- All around the Wrist Certificate, Milan, WŁOCHY 2015
- Certificate Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Milan, ITALY 2015
- Course Wrist Surgery, Lyon, FRANCE 2014
- Certificate Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Paris, FRANCE 2014
- Certificate Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand: FESSH Hand Training Centre Tour; UNITED KINGDOM GREAT BRITAIN, 2014
- Certificate Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Belek-Antalya, TURKEY 2013
- Certificate Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Antwerp, BELGIUM 2012
- Certificate Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Oslo, NORWAY 2011
- European Wrist Arthroscopy Society Course, Bucharest, ROMANIA 2010
- Certificate Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Bucharest, ROMANIA 2010
National Certificates:
- 10th International Poznań Course in upper extremity surgery: forearm, wrist, hand, Poznań, POLSKA 2017
- Wrist artroscopy course, Warsaw, 2016
- The main Ortopaedic Course Postępy w Ortopedii i Traumatologii Narządu Ruchu, Warsaw 2014
- Certificate of the completion of 20th course fundations of anatomy for ulatrasound-guided regional anesthesia and pain medicine, Zamość 2014
- Plattelet Rich Plasma in Hand and Ortopaedic Surgery, Otwock, 2014
- Oncology of Locomotor System, Lublin 2013
- Complete Course AO Trauma – Principles in Operative Fracture Management, Lublin 2013
- Hip displasia course, Gdańsk, 2012
- Certyfikat 6th International Poznań Course in Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist Surgery, Poznań 2012
- Certyfikat 5th International Poznań Course in Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist Surgery, Poznań 2011
- Foot deformation course, Łódź 2010
- Knee Surgery Course, Gdańsk 2010
- Joints arthrosis and alloplastics, Gdańsk 2010
- Metabolic disorders of the bones course, Warszawa 2010
- Hip dysplasia, Lublin 2010
- Arm artroskopy course, Rudna Mała-Czarna 2010
- Joints and Bones Inflammations course, CMKP Warszawa 2010
- Microsurgery Course, Poznań 2010
- Spine surgery Course, Poznań 2010
- Whats new in osteosynthesis, CMKP Warszawa 2010
- Foot malformation and disorders, CMKO Warszawa 2009
- Reumatology course, Warszawa 2009
- Hand and reconstructive surgery, Poznań 2009
- Wrist Artroscopy Course, Poznań 2009
- Certyfikat Congress of the Federation of European Societes for Surgery of the Hand, Poznań 2009
- Arm arthroscopy, Warszawa 2009
- VIII CONGRESS of Polish Hand Surgery Association, Gdańsk 2015
- XL Congress of Polish Ortopaedic and Traumatology Association, Wrocław 2014
- VII CONGRESS of Polish Hand Surgery Association, Łódź, 2013
- 100-years Polish Ortopaedy, Ortopaedic Days, Poznań, 2013
- XIII Ortopaedic and radiological Symposium „Diagnostyka obrazowa w ortopedii”, Wdzydze Kiszewskie, 2012
- VI CONGRESS of Polish Hand Surgery Association, Bydgoszcz 2011
- X Bieszczadzkas Artroscopy Congress: „Artroscopy of the arm, diseases, diagnosis ant treatments”, Rudna Mała-Czarna, 2010
- X Ortopaedic and radiological Symposium „Diagnostyka obrazowa w ortopedii”, Wdzydze Kiszewskie, 2009
- Minimal endoscopic surgery for treatment the cubital tunnel syndrome; XXII FESSH Congress Budapest, WĘGRY 2017
- Efectiveness of bipolar radiofrequency in the operative treatment of lateral epicondylitis; XXI FESSH Congress Budapest; WĘGRY 2017
- Minimal endoscopic surgery for treatment the cubital tunnel syndrome; XXI FESSH Congress Santander, HISZPANIA 2016
- Efectiveness of bipolar radiofrequency in the operative treatment of tennis elbow; XXI FESSH Congress Santander; HISZPANIA 2016
- IX Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Ręki, Kraków, POLSKA 2017
- Minimal endoscopic surgery for treatment the cubital tunnel syndrome, Gdańsk 2015
- Bipolar microtenotomy in treatment tenis elbow, Wrocław 2014
- Socioeconomic analysis of hip and knee replacements in Pomeranian Province between 2006-2011, Wrocław 2014
- Orthopaedic problems in the hip and knee arthroplasties in elderly, Gdańsk University of Technology 2013 (read more)
- Socioeconomic analysis of hip and knee replacements in Pomeranian Province between 2006-2011; PhD dissertation; Gdańsk Medical University, Gdańsk 2013
- Efectiveness of bipolar radiofrequency in the operative treatment, VII Zjazd PTCHR, Łódź 2013
- Efectiveness of bipolar radiofrequency in the operative treatment of lateral epicondylitis; XVIIth FESSH Congress Antwerpen; BELGIUM 2012
- Ultrasonographic evaluation of results of treatment tenis elbow using RF-based mikrotenotomy; XIII Ortopaedic and radiological Symposium: Diagnostyka obrazowa w Ortopedii; Wdzydze Kiszewskie 2012
- Dabigatran vs. low molecular weight heparin in preventing venous thromboembolism after elective hip and knee arthroplasty: Evaluation of selected clinical parameters
He lives in Gdańsk, travels a lot and practises sports. He values privacy and good manners. Requires a lot from himself, from people he works with and from his patients.

His motto is: “Medicine is art and a healthy life is the art of choice.”


Projekty naukowe
HANPROJECT CLINIC is currently carrying out several scientific projects, which allow some patients to obtain easier, faster and cheaper access to new technologies and procedures used in West Europe.
Ask about the possibility of participation in a scientific program. If you are qualified, the cost of your procedure may be lower. Please remember, that participation in such a project will require you to be systematic.
HANDCLINIC PROJECT is currently carrying out the following scientific projects:
- Non-surgical treatment of Dupuytren’s contracture in the hand
- Enhancement of bone union after fractures of the forearm and hand
- Little invasive decompression of nerves in the following peripheral nerve illnesses:
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- nerve compression syndrome of the elbow
- Implementation of tendinopathy therapy with use of the platelet-rich plasma in gel:
- Tennis elbow therapy
- Golfer’s elbow therapy
- Thrower’s elbow therapy
- Comparison of steroid injections with transdermal methods
HANDPROJECT CLINIC has co-participated in the following projects:
- Program of radial nerve decompression
- European project of treatment of fractures of the scaphoid bone
- Surgical corrections of forearm bones after fractures of the radial bone.